By Ltarrant | 4/24/2015
Videodisk keijbfmicnros jfkrnjrickforoehdn judijenfigg thrush juicier judijenfigg show jidieuehndjf
By Kit | 3/27/2015
Cashier asked if I had cash as though he couldn't ring me up if I didn't. Not sure what was up with that.
By Dolly S | 9/18/2015
Went to get a golds peak tea they don't carry much tea not that brand husband got some sunglasses
By Bueno | 5/24/2015
Take to long to atend to costomers is to dory
By Nothanks | 7/22/2014
Old machines
By NobleGirl3 | 8/1/2015
The machine said my zip code was invalid on my card. I had to go in and guess how much money I wanted to put on my card to fill my car.