3320 Silas Creek Parkway,
Suite 336 ,
Winston Salem, NC 27103

By Clane | 4/16/2021
I was satisfied with the service.

By Strawberry | 4/13/2021
I had previously window shopped the store a week before notice and priced a bracelet. I went back two weeks later the bracelet was $100.00 more. I was disappointed because I had my heart set on getting it. After removing one of the charms to meet the prior amount which was affordable to me I was able to purchase the bracelet . Love the bracelet.

By AC | 4/5/2021
Hate the wait is so long 45 ish minutes to clean and put on 2 charms.

By T. Beaver | 4/3/2021
The charm that I wanted was not available (cassette tape). Twice I've come to get this charm in the past month and it wasn't available.

By Sharae | 3/13/2021
Because the charms wasn’t available to see they had more of the sets out

By KD | 1/15/2021
Always experience a friendly agent and then they help you process what you need!

By Stefan W. | 12/18/2020
Time of wait to enter store

By LizNT | 11/29/2020
Pandora doesn't offer big discounts compared before!

By Hopewell | 9/27/2020
The store’s capacity would only allow 6 people in at a time. There was a line outside and I had to wait to get in. Once inside I had to wait to view the items I was looking for. My adult son was with me and he had to wait outside before he could join me. The wait inside and outside was the reason I was not highly satisfied.

By Sonia Domingos | 5/11/2020
But I was satisfied