4400 Ashford Dunwoody Road,
Suite 1460 ,
Atlanta, GA 30346

By Cqtr | 7/4/2020
I was celebrating a family member's milestone. The focus while waiting to enter the store was on their present customer. While being the customer, the focus was on potential customers.

By jlm | 6/29/2020
I came specifically to this location based upon what the website. said was available. I got the the store to find NONE of the three items I was interested in at this location despite the website stating clearly they were available.

By Courtney | 6/26/2020
There was only one salesperson and a a line due to covid 19

By KP | 6/26/2020
The wait time for pricing information on different items was too long making service a bit slow at this store.

By TiyaD | 6/24/2020
I love Pandora, but the selection because of the sale was sparse, they had nothing left in stock of the items I wanted, I purchased a couple other things.

By Yvonne R | 6/20/2020
Due tho the current situation with covid19 we had to wait in a long line for a very long time. Unfortunately I was with my daughter who was with me to make a decision and she was not allowed to come in the store with me because only 2 customers were allow in at any one time. I think some consideration should be given to each scenarios.

By dl23 | 6/16/2020
While I respect that the store only wanted two customers inside at a time we came as a family of four to pick out a birthday gift. It was difficult switching people in and out of the store, per the clerk, so that only two of us were inside at a time.

By La-Kia M | 6/12/2020
Due to the COVID-19 they only allow 2 people at a time but there was a lady in there that was taking along time, 3 others had purchased and left and she was still there, I feel there should be a time limit, have to be considered of others

By Tranurse | 6/8/2020
Couldn’t take care of something at the store. But I did receive the information to do it on my own

By Maliboo | 5/29/2020
Oh yes I was