2300 East Lincoln Hwy.,
Suite 1078 ,
Langhorne, PA 218747

By IT | 3/11/2021
We were 1st in line to enter the store, after staying in line 1hr10min the manager directed us to a sell person who was still busy with the other customer so we waited again. Then the manager went to serve the other customers outside of the store instead of helping us. So we waited again and that was annoying. Finally after almost 2 hr of waiting we got a wonderful service from sell person Julia. She was absolutely amazing. The manager of the store should be more organized and polite.

By E | 2/15/2021
Was in line for close to an hour. Some customers in line were taking entirely too long with the associates. When you come there you should have an idea of what you are looking for not waiting until you get to the store then decide you want to take 15-20 minutes to go through the catalog. That just builds up the line and makes people waiting longer

By Hayden D | 1/18/2021
Mostly there were many customers in the store who weren't wearing masks properly or blocking merchandise making it hard to see everything I wanted

By happyc80 | 1/9/2021
This was my second visit to a pandora store within 2 days. The first sale rep. advised on a smaller bracelet. Which prompted my to drive to another location and the second was unsure of sizing. Now I have to make a third trip to exchange the bracelet.

By happyc80 | 1/9/2021
This was my second visit to a pandora store within 2 days. The first sale rep. advised on a smaller bracelet. Which prompted my to drive to another location and the second was unsure of sizing. Now I have to make a third trip to exchange the bracelet.

By Missy | 12/29/2020
The service was fine, nothing above and beyond. Purchased in the store so I could ship since buying on line would take longer. Staff was nice, a little stuck up young girls but that’s fine they were doing there job

By Stephania A. | 12/22/2020
Al momento de recoger la orden todo parecia bien , pero cuando lo iban a empacar resulto q solo habia 1 articulo del cual habia ordenado 2 les mostre mi factura por que no creian que eran 2 y duraron mucho tiempo buscando y no tuvieron mas que darme el articulo que tenian en exhibición , y para eso yo ya tenia 30 minutos de espera luego recibi un email donde decia que ya habia sido recogida la orden lo cual fue mentira por que yo aún seguia esperando por mi orden fue alrededor de 45 minutos para recoger la orden que según ya estaba lista. 😔

By Diamondlover | 12/13/2020
There was a deal for a free bracelet if spent $90. We came to a total of $84 and the associate did not mention the deal until after we were leaving the store.

By Lena | 12/11/2020
I was highly satisfied with the selection and the customer service. I was not satisfied with the way the associate was showing me the products. She was pulling a couple of items out at a time instead of showing me the tray. It took too much time.

By Jrule922 | 12/5/2020
During the cornavirus you shouldn’t have more then maybe 6 people in store there was about 17 plus workers that’s when I felt uncomfortable being there