By lizb | 12/30/2016
It is too small for the amount of traffic using it.

By MandaRoss | 12/20/2016
There was not printer paper at the pump. Which was ok with me since I didn't have any of my children with me waiting. If I had had my 4 children in the car with me I would have been a bit irritated with the paper at the pump not being available. I did buy many additional products when I went to get my receipt from the cashier.

By Gerald F | 12/15/2016
I was satisfied.

By soonermic | 12/11/2016
If I was highly satisfied someone would have pumped my gas, washed my windows and checked my oil. Just like I did when I worked part time at a service station when in college.

By Mimi | 12/3/2016
It was fast to get to the pump. But I was next to the booth and it's a tight fit do to the coke box's.

By f | 12/1/2016
i fell that there is always room for improvement. no one, nothing, no organization is perfect.

By db42 | 11/26/2016
how does one get highly satisfied fueling a vehicle?

By Dprice | 11/16/2016
Same as always this Murphy's is the hardest one I have ever seen to get in and out of the parking area and room left for the pumps was not thought out very well. I use this Murphy's only because it is on my way to work in the morning so I do not have to get very far off of the highway. If I am going to the Lake there is no way that I can use this Murphy's because it is impossible to get my truck and boat into the pumps to fill up.

By DaleP | 10/21/2016
The parking lot is narrow and hard to get in and out of when they are busy. I am also unable to pull my boat to the pumps to fill up when going to the lake.

By Dennis P | 10/11/2016
Was no problem...clerk has always been sweet and nice.