By joker | 1/11/2016
quick and easy

By Billy D | 9/18/2015
great pizza

By Billy D | 11/27/2015
i went fo ice cream and it was bad.

By Crystal36 | 11/7/2015
I stopped by Casey's to grab a few alcoholic beverages because I was on my way to a party. It was a normal visit except when I showed my ID to the cashier he very loudly said my birthdate and there were several people in line and in the store. Way to announce a woman's age you jerk! I thought about complaining. That's just rude and uncalled for.

By Crystal36 | 8/13/2015
I stopped to get gas and was out of windshield washer fluid. I ran inside to get some. The two employees stood in front of me talking for a few minutes without helping me, super annoying!! All she had to do was scan the thing and hand me my receipt, I do the rest for goodness sakes!