By M.Ever | 1/6/2016
They are friendly and quick

By Kgr | 12/14/2015
Good gas

By bobbyo | 8/25/2015
Nice place

By Kgr | 8/8/2015
Good prices

By Memphisjax | 4/15/2015
Quick and honest

By anonymous | 9/17/2015

By M.Ever | 5/5/2015
I like the friendliness & speed

By RMD | 12/13/2015
Some guy was very upset with a man that was filling up my gas tank because he didn't answer him because the needed four quarters and the guy threatened to beat him up...it was a horrible experience I will never go back there!!!!!!

By Allen Shahid | 11/30/2015
The gentleman at the Citgo location in Newark on McCarter Highway shorted me on gas. I asked for $15 and knowing where gas prices are and how my car does on gas, I'm sure he only put $10 in and shorted me on my $5. That's a disgusting practice and while I should have paid attention to whomever was pumping my gas, that's just sad. I hope the $5 is worth the price of your Soul. Sorry sack of excrement.