By Danielle M | 1/9/2016
I thought Berkshire East was really nice! I had a very good experience. The only thing is, is that personally I am a snowboarder, and there was mainly all skiers there so I felt a little out of place. But majority of all trails were open. And their choice of trails is a wide variety. I can't wait to go back!

By Maddy T | 9/13/2015
I loved it. I went ziplining with my dad and I absolutely loved it!

By Chrissy | 8/19/2015
Fun area for the whole family.great summer Adventures

By Chrissy | 7/1/2015
Went for the grand opening of the downhill Mountain bike park. Great trails, friendly staff. Going to be a great place to ride

By anonymous | 1/2/2015
lift was expensive

By Jonathan M | 1/2/2015
Food is way way over price though the staff was great