By Great way to earn a | 12/10/2015
Beautiful theatre

By Broncoman | 11/28/2015
Fun time at a beautiful place to watch a show

By SWhite | 10/29/2015
Expensive cocktails!!! But a great place just the same.

By Maris B. | 10/3/2015
Saw "Phantom of the Opera" (our 3rd time). Look forward to our visits to this theater and always make a point to choose orchestra seats. Beautiful building (used to be a movie theater). Only irritant is being crammed into the hallway before interior theater doors open, but unsure as how this could be avoided.

By Streno | 10/3/2015

By Val.n | 10/2/2015
Phantom of the Opera was amazing. The theatre was very nice. We were in the furthest back seats and could see everything.

By Kathrynb | 10/2/2015
Great show

By Bandnerdsrhott | 8/30/2015
It's a beautiful theater? Wish their were more women's bathrooms

By CS | 8/20/2015
Great theater with awesome performances

By Maris B. | 8/2/2015
When I was growing up in San Francisco in the 50s-60s, this theater was a Cinerama movie theater. I'm excited every time we come here for a live musical. Our seats were orchestra, but off to the side. We prefer the center but were unable to secure that section. Matilda the Musical was highly entertaining. Loved the costumes, set design, music and talented child actors. No doubt we'll return for Phantom and other SHN productions.