By rp | 11/20/2015
really clean

By Krhight623@aol.com | 9/4/2015
good store

By cp | 7/16/2014
It's great. Good service

By krevon2 | 11/21/2015
its ok but there are to many peiple standing around loitering

By krevon2 | 10/18/2015
to many people hanging around the parking lot

By krevon2 | 9/19/2015
to many people standing and hanging outside someone asked me for money

By Mariap | 7/25/2015
Good location

By krevon2 | 12/21/2014
good store to many people just hanging out there asking for money and i did not feel very safe

By krevon2 | 11/16/2014
service was fine to many people just hanging out there

By krevon2 | 8/7/2015
they ran out of ice could not get my drink